What are the parental control features found on recent TCL television models?

Below are the list of Parental Control features available on TCL (non-Roku) TVs:

V-Chip - This feature is available in all TVs. It allows you to program the TV so that children can't see certain programs or channels. It enables you to block programs based on violence, sexual content or other content. V-chip software reads a code that most broadcasters send with programs. The code contains an age-based rating and content rating (not all programming is rated). This is supported in both the United States and in Canada for TV and movie ratings. 

Front panel lock - This feature permits you to disable the controls on the front of TV so children can't change TV settings without the remote. 

TV lock/unlock - Allows you to set a user-defined password to lock the TV to enforce the parental controls features. 

Channel block - This feature allows you to choose channels which cannot be accessed without a password while the TV is locked. 

Channel display - Permits you to press INFO to see channel number, program rating, TV lock/unlock status, etc.

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