Remote Codes for TCL TVs featuring Fire TV

To find the correct remote codes for using a TCL Fire TV remote with various cable boxes, you may need to reference the specific cable box brand. Below are some common cable box brands and their potential remote codes:

Note: 12434 seems to be almost universal. It's recommended to test this code first. If the bellow codes do not work, it's recommended that the cable box provider is contacted for additional codes.

Cable Box Remote Codes for TCL Fire TV


  • 10178
  • 11756
  • 12434
  • 12290
  • 14398


  • 10178
  • 11756
  • 12434
  • 12290


  • 10178
  • 11756
  • 12434
  • 12290


  • 10178
  • 11756
  • 12434
  • 10093
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