Can I Transport my Mini-Fridge, Freezer Chest on its side?

Learn how to safely transport your mini-fridge or freezer chest on its side without damaging the unit.

It is generally not recommended to transfer a refrigerator on its side because doing so can cause the compressor oil to flow into the cooling lines, which can lead to operational issues once the refrigerator is upright again. However, if it's necessary to move it on its side, there are some precautions you can take:

Keep the refrigerator upright as much as possible. If it must be laid down, ensure it is placed on the side where the compressor and coolant lines are least likely to be affected (consult your manufacturer’s instructions).

Let it sit upright for at least 24 hours before plugging it in to allow the oil to flow back into the compressor.

Handle it gently to avoid damaging internal parts or causing leaks in the refrigerant system.

Following these steps can minimize the risk of damaging the refrigerator during transport.

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