Managing My Feed

Use My Feed to find out when you can watch movies coming soon, and to get updates on movies, TV shows, and actors that you are following.

Note: When a movie or TV show you are following becomes available, the streaming channel offering the movie might require that you subscribe or pay a fee to view it.

Tip: My Feed is available only if your TV is connected to the Internet.

Movies Coming Soon

My Feed gives you updates on your list of movies that are coming soon to theaters. With My Feed, you’ll know when your favorite movie is ready to stream, the channels it is on, and how much it will cost.

Select the movies you want to follow by going to 

  • Press  on your remote to open the Home screen
  • Scroll down and select My Feed
  • Press the right arrow button and select Movies Coming Soon.  This will display a list movies that will soon be available on Roku streaming devices.  
  • Use the navigational arrow button to highlight a movie title
  • Press the  button, this will give you three options - as shown below.  
  • Highlight Follow this movie on Roku and press the  button 
  • When you return to the main My Feed screen, you’ll see banners for each of your newly-followed movies along with banners for movies and TV shows you’re already

Movies, TV shows, and People

In addition to following movies coming soon, you can follow any movie, TV show, or actor across top streaming channels.  Here are the instructions to follow a movie, TV show or specific people:

  • Press  on your remote to open the Home screen
  • Scroll down and select Search
  • Using the onscreen keyboard, type the name of the movie, TV show or person you want to follow.
  • Search results will display on the right side of the screen
  • Use the navigational arrow button to highlight a movie title
  • Press the  button, highlight Follow this movie on Roku
  •  Press the  button to confirm

Note: The TV takes a bit of time to update your newly-followed shows. Until it finds at least one channel offering the movie, the content banner in My Feed shows Check back later for updates.

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